
Barite is the most common mineral of barium, and its composition is barium sulfate. It occurs in low-temperature hydrothermal veins, such as quartz-barite veins, fluorite-barite veins and so on, and is often associated with galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, cinnabar, etc. Most barite deposits in Hunan, Guangxi, Qinghai and Jiangxi are huge hydrothermal single mineral veins. Barite can also occur in sedimentary rocks, appearing as nodules, mainly in sedimentary manganese deposits and shallow-sea argillaceous and sandy sedimentary rocks. In the residual clay clays of weathered residual deposits, they often form nodules and lumps. Barite crystals are large tubular, aggregated crystals sometimes form rose-shaped or bifurcated blocks, which are called crown barite. Pure barite is colorless and transparent, generally white, light yellow, with glass luster.

Barite Processing technology

Barite is mainly used in petroleum, chemical industry, paint, filler and other industrial sectors after being ground by barite mill, 80-90% of which is used as mud weighting agent in petroleum drilling. Vanguard's barite grinder is a new generation of pulverizing equipment based on the traditional Raymond mill. It is the most commonly used industrial mill. The working principle of barite mill is that the material is conveyed to the storage bin by bucket elevator, and then evenly sent to the grinding chamber of the main engine by electromagnetic vibration feeder. Material in the grinding chamber is shoveled up by a spade into the grinding chamber between the grinding roller and the grinding ring, and the air is blown into the grinding chamber by a blower from the shunt disc. The crushed powder is sent to the analysis chamber. After separation of the analysis impeller driven by a speed regulating motor through a transmission device, the large particles fall back into the grinding chamber, re-grind, and the qualified fine powder follows. The air enters the cyclone collector, which is separated from the air and discharged into the finished product from the discharge port. During the operation of the main engine, the blade system plays a very important role. It is located at the lower end of the grinding roller. During the process of turning with the grinding roller, the material is shoveled up and thrown into the roller ring to form a cushion layer. The material layer is crushed by the extrusion force of the grinding roller to achieve the purpose of grinding.

Barite can be used as white pigment (commonly known as lithopone), chemical, paper, textile filler, in glass production it can be used as flux and increase the brightness of glass, but the most important is used as a weighting agent in the drilling industry and extracting barium. In addition, barite can also be used in zinc barium white pigment, various barium compounds, filler industry, cement industry mineralizer, anti-ray cement, mortar and concrete, road construction and many other fields. Barite and oil are blended and coated on the cloth base to make oil cloth; barite powder is used to refine kerosene; it is used as a digestive tract contrast agent in the pharmaceutical industry; it can also be used to make pesticides, leather, fireworks and so on. In addition, barite is used to extract barium, as a getter and binder for television and other vacuum tubes. Barium and other metals (aluminum, magnesium, lead, calcium) alloy, used for bearing manufacturing.

Application fields Through the deep processing, Barite can be widely used in the following industries.
